Bramshott Property Owners promotes a better world!

Annual General Membership Meeting for all Bramshott Property Owners
1 – Annual Lot Levies are due
Please pay your annual lot levy ($50. per lot) to any director or by email transfer at
Every property owner in Bramshott must pay this fee, regardless of whether you use the beach or park areas. This fee is required to maintain the common areas for all property owners.
Join Us
The Bramshott Property Owners’ Association relies heavily on volunteer help. The two properties in common require extensive work to maintain them. Our lovely, treed and fenced waterfront park is one of the most beautiful parks on Lake Couchiching with a boat launch and dock, swim buoy line, swim dock, rented portable toilet, picnic tables, swing set and park benches.
It is the responsibility of every property owner to pay an annual lot levy of $50.00 per year regardless of whether you choose to make use of the park and/or beach areas. This fee is required to maintain the common areas for all property owners.
Your lot levy can be paid through
e-transfer to
or to Treasurer, Josh Milligan at 3281 Turnbull Drive, 705-238-7874
July 2021 Newsletter: View Here
BPOA - Bylaws and Procedures: View Here
About Us
The Bramshott Property Owners’ Association Inc. includes owners of properties with a legal description of Plan 1079 in Severn Township. The original development consisted of 192 lots which began development in 1952. After the township introduced community sewers and water to the area, some lots have been severed and there are currently over 200 properties.
Contact us here.
Our Directors
President: Jeff Nicholson, 3309 Bramshott Drive (705) 345-1196
Secretary: Dianne Purdy, 3329 Grayshott Drive (705) 689-2984
Treasurer: Josh Milligan, 3281 Turnbull Drive (705) 238-7874
David Davies, 3310 Goldstein Road
Holly Davies, 3310 Goldstein Road
Krista Nicholson, 3309 Bramshott Drive
Kyle Purdy, 3329 Grayshott Drive
Ian Wright, 3342 Grayshott Drive
Dylan Rondeau, 3284 Grayshott Drive